Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Senior Year: Conclusion - Soundtrack

As promised at the end of my movie's credits, I have uploaded the soundtrack plus several bonus songs that I just wasn't able to fit into it. You can preview them with the handy playlist before download. They probably won't be up forever, but I thought it'd be nice to share with anyone who might have heard something in the movie and liked it. All artists are fantastic and you should go buy their album(s) on iTunes/Amazon!

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

1. Jack's Manequinn - Dark Blue
2. Muse - Uprising
3. Jay-Z - Forever Young
4. Buffy the Vampire Slayer Musical - Where Do We Go From Here
5. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Snow (Hey Oh)
6. Jack's Manequinn - La La Lie
7. Augustana - Twenty Years
8. Journey - Don't Stop Believing
9. The Killers - All These Things That I've Done
10. Third Eye Blind - Graduate
11. Queen - Don't Stop Me Now
12. Across the Universe Soundtrack - With a Little Help From My Friends
13. Across the Universe Soundtrack - Revolution
14. Hanson - Dying To Be Alive
15. Nelly Furtado featuring Chris Martin - All Good Things
16. Train - Hey Soul Sister

Enjoy (:

Senior Year: Conclusion

The culmination of this project is the movie that I created using the response videos that I got from this blog as well as filmed interviews and pictures new and old. This video is pretty much my baby and the secondmost favourite of my college projects. Unfortunately, the file size was too large for Vimeo so I had to put it on Youtube for the time being... but I hope to get a better quality upload soon. Enjoy!

Senior Year: Conclusion from Jocelyn Baird on Vimeo.

Monday, May 10, 2010

My turn!

So, obviously my plan of recording and posting a video each week as a wrap-up didn't work out. To make up for it, I recorded my responses to each of the four prompts and edited them together into one video which you can view below. I hope I don't sound too silly... (:

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Prompt: Memories

Today I had my last college class ever. Well, unless of course I go to grad school (which is a high probability). But for the time being, I am finished with college and it feels strange. To think that four years of my life that have meant so much and turned me into the person who is typing right now are over is pretty heavy. Over the next week and a half, as I finish my exams and projects and pack up all of my possessions I know my mind is going to go to all of the memories that I have made here since my arrival in August 2006. What am I going to miss the most?

What are you going to miss the most about SU?

Thanks so much for all the wonderful videos you guys sent me/posted. You really made this blog what I wanted it to be (:

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Prompt: Lessons Learned

It's Tuesday, which means a new blog prompt! I've been getting a few responses here and there, which I thank everyone for but I could definitely use MORE! I am also willing to come film anyone interested in being part of my project. You can either message me on facebook about that or send me an email.

Okay, so as of Sunday we have three weeks left until graduation. As classes wind down and we're all focused on finishing up final projects/papers and studying for tests, it's gotta hit at some point that for some of us this will be the last time we will be completely saturated in a pure learning environment. Although college is about experiences and having fun, it is above all a time for learning. This learning takes place both inside and outside of the classroom, and I know that I will be leaving S.U. with many lessons to reflect upon in the years to come. So here's your prompt:

What is one lesson that you learned during your college years that will stick with you? This can be anything from something academic or something you learned from an experience on Marshall Street or Downtown.

I learned last week that for some reason, videos cannot be posted themselves so you have to post just the link instead. If you know how to make it a hyperlink, great, but if not just post the url to your uploaded video (: And of course you can always just email me the video!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Prompt: Commencement Advice

Originally, I was going to post about the whole commencement speaker controversy that has taken over the campus (and especially many members of the senior class) during the past week or so. But after the countless articles, editorials, and rallies I think everything that could be said about why Jamie Dimon is or isn't a bad choice to speak has pretty much been said.

After thinking about my own commencement speaker desires, I got to thinking about what it is I would tell the class of 2010 as we prepare to step out into the "real world". Unlike last week, I'm not going to go into huge detail with this post about my response and will instead share that in a video post later on.

So for now, here's your prompt:

What would you say to your fellow graduates if you were speaking at Commencement?

Again, for your response I just ask that it be recorded in video format. You can either upload the video to youtube/vimeo and post it in a comment to this blog post, or send it to me in email at jocember @ gmail (dot) com. If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Prompt: What Comes After

To get this first prompt started, I might as well tell you about myself since you might not know (unless you happen to be one of the many friends I intend to strong-arm into helping me out). My name is Jocelyn. I am 22 years old, a Scorpio, and when I'm old and retired in Florida will probably love long walks on the beach. I am originally from Ohio, but have transplanted myself to New York for college and have no plans to go back. I am an Anthropology and Writing double-major, and possibly the most indecisive student ever when it comes to figuring out what I want to do after I graduate.

Unfortunately for me and my indecision, graduation is rapidly approaching and I still have no solid plans for what comes after. Originally, the plan was grad school but that has been pushed back at least a year. I've already signed an apartment lease in Syracuse, so now I am left with finding a job within the city (which has proven difficult). And through it all, I keep getting the same question posed by relatives, friends, coworkers, and classmates: "What are your plans after graduation?"

It's like the perpetual "How was your break?" conversation that repeats itself for weeks until the next one rolls around. Everyone asks it, because it's the thing to do. Either that, or they are completely incapable of starting a meaningful conversation... anyway, the point is that for seniors, the dreaded question cannot be avoided. It's everywhere you go, prodding and poking at the nightmare that is what comes after graduation.

Maybe it doesn't bother you like it does me. Maybe you're one of those lucky seniors who has a job secured already, or a grad school to attend come Fall 2010. I envy those I meet who have a good answer to respond with, because it certainly must beat the hemming and hawing and on-the-spot fabrication I've become so good at. But I know that there are just as many out there like me, waking up in a cold sweat in utter terror at the nightmare of insecurity and unknown that lurks after May 16.

So, my first prompt asks: what will be happening to you after that Sunday, looming in the not-too-distant future, when we will no longer be undergraduates? Are you scared? Excited? Anxious to get it all over with? Why? Do you have any concrete plans, or are you only shaky in the comfort that you've got a bedroom/basement/closet in your parents' house to hide in?

Record your response, upload it (youtube and vimeo are good), and post as a comment to this entry. **Remember you can also email the video to me at**